St Paul’s is part of the Church of England. While that might produce images of robes and rituals, if you were to come to any of our meetings or events you would simply find a group of normal, local people who want to grow in a relationship with God through his Son Jesus. That relationship makes us want to show and share the love of Jesus to those in our community.
To get to know Jesus better, we need to listen to what he says in his Word. That is why, at St Paul’s, we teach the Bible as the unique Word of God for everyone. Every meeting, every service – in fact, everything we do – is centred around God’s Word. But unlike a school, we are not just teaching information. We are challenged by God to live radically different lives because of what he has done through Jesus. God speaks, we listen, then we go out into our community loving and living just like Jesus.
Every meeting, every service – in fact, everything we do – is centred around God’s Word.
Because all of us are called to serve we see the importance of every member ministry. Each and every person has been given gifts and abilities by God and we want to ensure that everyone who wants to play a part in serving God’s family, the church, has the opportunity to do so.
What we care about
Want to know what makes us tick? Good news about Jesus for Harold Hill.
We believe the Christian faith is good news. Not bad news or boring news, but the best news in the world. It’s not about God telling us to be better or try harder – piling on more things for us to do. It’s all about what God has already done to make it possible for people like us to be forgiven and to enjoy life with him, now and for ever.
We believe the Christian faith is about Jesus. Not about religious rituals or rules to follow, but Jesus the Son of God. So everything we do as a church family is designed to help us get to know him better as we learn about him from the Bible.
We believe the Christian faith is for Harold Hill. Most of us live here. Lots of us have never lived anywhere else! We love Harold Hill – the people and the place. We want to serve this community by loving like Jesus loved. And, most of all, we want to help our community to hear this good news for themselves.